
While I am also eager to share my research, ideas, and experience with the overall evaluation community through writing (and collaborating with like-minded colleagues), I have not done that nearly enough. I often find myself short of time to sit and write about some of the topics I work on and care about. But, luckily, I did manage to author/co-author a few publications so far, and here some of them:

Social Equity Assessment Tool (SEAT) for Evaluation - Khalil Bitar

Revolution in the Making:
Evaluation “Done Well” in the Era of the SDGs with a Youth Participatory Approach -
Evaluation for Transformational Change: Opportunities and Challenges for the Sustainable Development Goals (Chapter III)


Evaluation under Occupation:
The Role of Evaluators in Protecting and Promoting Social Justice and Equality in Conflict-affected and Fragile Contexts (the Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territory) 
